Would you like one simple tip and lifestyle change that you can do today that will enhance your health? Plus it is free!
For Millions of people, the first thing they do in the morning is reach for their phones. This one single habit can lead to an increase in the cortisol secretion within your body and in turn increase the effects of your stress levels. Stress is known to be the leading behind the scenes cause of chronic lifestyle diseases. Diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, depression, infertility, ADHD, a weakened immune system, and diabetes.
Why not trade this stress causing hormone, with three hormones to enhance your life rathe than create havoc in your life. This involves undertaking three simple activities to reset and start the day on a better trajectory.
- Getting morning sunlight. 10 – 20 minutes of unfiltered sunlight within the first hour of waking can help with melatonin levels, helping you reset your sleep patterns
- Doing some exercise. This helps to increase serotonin levels, helping you feel happier and more relaxed.
- and giveing a loved one a hug. This is the easiest of all! The act of touch will help with oxytocin, the love hormone.
This boost in the three essential hormones, oxytocin, serotonin and melatonin, helps to start your day in the right direction. Stripping away the stress from cortisol, combating chronic lifestyle disease and allowing you to lead a more pleasant, healthy life. Help yourself to enhance your health and prolong the quality of your life. It is time to start enjoying your lifestyle rather than living a death style