There have been few things that have moved me so much. Events over this past weekend have had me reach deep into my soul and realise the power that resides within us, and within those close to us. The strength of a brother’s bond.
Saturday was my daughter’s birthday. This post though isn’t about her, her birthday becomes a frame of reference.
As usual, we had a family birth
day party for her. As our extended family turned up, we could notice something was not right. My brother and sister in law were silent, occupied by something distant. There had been a tragedy within my brother in law’s extended family. A 3-year-old boy had tragically been run over.
The damage had been so great that he had been rushed to Westmead Children’s Hospital and placed on life support. He was not expected to make it.
My brother in law was in constant contact with his family. Continual updates, continual bad news.
Late that night, came even more shocking news. The doctors had decided to turn the life support machines off. It had been decided that it was time to call in the family to say goodbye.
The little boy’s elder brother, all of five years old, wanted to say goodbye in his own way. He gathered some of the favourite toy cars and trucks. Favourite toys that the boys played with together as brothers do. He made his way into the hospital for his last play with his beloved younger brother.
As the brothers were together in the room it happened.
The young boy came back to life. His heart started to beat on its own accord.
Not through the thousands of dollars keeping him alive, but through the presence of his elder brother.
What power is there that exists in the Universe for this to occur. This is the unknown. This is what we call a ‘miracle’. The doctors, with their brilliant, educated minds called it a one in a million event. The machines had given little or no hope. There was no explanation. I have no explanation, except for the power that exists in the Universe, as is described in Chiropractic’s 33 Principles.
This young boy is not out of the woods. There is still a long journey for him ahead as he goes through surgery to repair damage from the accident. One minute, one hour, one day at a time.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, this story has moved me to tears. Even as I type. I do not know the boy, yet have an association with his extended family. I am a father, maybe that is it. I am also a Chiropractor and know that there are higher powers filtering through us every day that are unexplainable, intangible, and imperceivable.
This power, this force is an intelligence and power that gives us life. Look for it. It is all around us. Respect it and let it flow in you.
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