One of the biggest killers in todays society is stress, and stress related lifestyle illnesses. Illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. These stress related lifestyle diseases that people also live with day in day out also include anxiety, depression, infertility, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and digestive disorders (to name a few). Instead of taking a pill, or just living with it, wouldn’t it be great to be able to do something productive to help your body cope better?

Along with your chiropractic care, there are many other things that you can do to help. One of the biggest measures that we use in the practice to measure how you are coping with stress and the world around you is HRV (heart rate variability). This one test is a huge predictor of your health. From some of he latest research, three ways to improve your HRV scores, and therefore help you to be a happier, healthier you is chiropractic adjustments, meditation and yoga!
Family Chiropractic Chatswood: your partner in achieving optimal spinal health and overall wellbeing.