If you are living in Sydney at the moment the likelihood that you have been or know of someone who has been struck down by the current cold and flu if pretty close to 100% of you. This current winter is being advertised by the authorities as the ‘worst flu season ever’.
This is despite the ever increasing supply of flu vaccines to our community. The flu vaccine rates increase, yet more and more people are struck down by the cold and flu. How can this be? Isn’t the vaccine supposed to protect us from the cold and flu? It has even got the world authorities so stumped that they are reportedly meeting to look at the lack of success of the current vaccine in Australia.
Maybe they are barking up the wrong tree?
Let’s go back in time, back to 2002. In an article in the Midwest Nurse Week, Vol.3, No. 2; March/April 2002, p27 entitled, ‘Nursing home residents get flu despite getting flu shot’ the ineffectiveness of vaccines as a preventative measure was illustrated.
It was reported that nearly all (98%) of the residents of a nursing home in Nebraska were fully vaccinated against the flu when they had an outbreak (does this not make you query the efficacy
of the flu vaccine; and the ‘herd theory’
in which they base vaccination on). No visitors were being allowed into the Nebraska nursing home, and all residents were taking anti-viral drugs and eating meals in their rooms in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. This, as we have seen over time, is not an uncommon occurrence. But while it clearly doesn’t work, it is ‘standard practice’ and so we keep doing it.
Many people commonly imagine that people are sick because they have the flu. In fact, we all carry it. It is only the ‘sick’ people who succumb to diseases like the flu and fully express the symptoms. The alternative to being sick, obviously, is to be healthy. Although that sounds flippan
t it is true. Have you noticed how some people get the flu for three or four days, and others get it for three or four weeks, along with all sorts of complications…then get over it only to have it again. One client reported that their next door neighbour was on to her ninth script of antibiotics! The difference is in the health of the person, not the strength of the flu.
During the great ‘flu’ epidemic in the early part of last century, chiropractors became known as ‘flu doctors’ due to the high survival rate of the people who sought chiropractic care as compared to those who opted for medical treatment. The results in this epidemic were responsible for chiropractic being registered in the state of Nebraska, USA. (Coincidentally the same state where the above 2002 s
tudy was performed – it is a pity they didn’t remember and get the people in the nursing home adjusted.)
Yes, being healthy is a viable option. To a large degree, being healthy stems from getting the right amount of exercise, having adequate nutrition, being at peace with the world and having optimal nerve system function. Of course this does not guarantee that you will not get the flu, butit gives you the best chance possible of staying out of the sick bed. In healthy people the flu will not cause serious complications, and when you recover from it your immune system can actually come out stronger because of the great ‘clean-out’ it gives you.
To keep your body in great shape there are 5 Pillars of Essential Health.
- You need to move and exercise
- You require a balanced diet of unprocessed food
- You need rest, relaxation and sleep
- You need a positive, clear mindset
- You need a fully functioning and connected nervous system
To find out how you too can experience greater health and wellbeing plus avoid the cold and flu, consult your Chiropractor and get adjusted.
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