Pregnant women are certainly not immune to aches and pains. In fact, it’s estimated that over 85% of expecting mothers will deal with back pain. Finding relief without the use of medication is almost always the best route for the health of mum and bub. Even over-the-counter medications can be risky to take before and during pregnancy.
All medications have side-effects, and these are often heightened during pregnancy. For instance, a drug like paracetamol (eg. in Panadaol) has been linked to a greater risk of ADHD and asthma in children. Likewise, NSAIDs (eg Neurofen, Voltaren, Advil) have been linked to a 59% increased risk of miscarriage.
• Finding organic pain solutions before conception and throughout pregnancy is a smart decision.
• NSAIDs cross from mother to baby easily through the placenta and can influence the production of prostaglandins that promote inflammation.
• Taking NSAIDs can increase the risks of asthma and hypertension in newborns.
Talking to your doctor about medication use before becoming pregnant is a smart idea. And if you or someone you know is anticipating pregnancy, it’s smart to begin looking for natural, organic solutions for your health issues. We specialize in natural, non-invasive care, and hope you’ll give us a call if you have questions about the best options for you!
Explore a world of chiropractic solutions and tips with Family Chiropractic Chatswood.
Science Source(s):
Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy and the risk of miscarriage. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018.
NSAID Use During Pregnancy Linked to Pulmonary Hypertension in Newborns. Pharmacy Today. 2001.