Lose Weight & Increase Your Energy with the Right Food Choices

Lose Weight & Increase Your Energy with the Right Food Choices

Jan 30, 2020

The holiday period has come to a close, the kids have returned to school, routines are now back in play, and now is a fresh opportunity to get healthier, lose those extra kilos, and overcome the ‘holiday hangover’. What is the first step to having more energy, getting active and shedding those few extra pounds?

Giving your body the proper nutrition.

Really! Keep reading for a quick rundown of some of the best snacks and supplements that can help you boost your energy levels and get ready to shed those kilos.

When it comes to getting that energy boost, it’s all about eating the right foods at the right time. Try to plan small meals and incorporate snacks into your daily routine to keep your body fuelled and your energy levels high. Eat for energy by consuming foods packed with healthy sources of protein, fats, carbs. Foods like blueberries, strawberries, salmon, lean meats, nuts, whole grains, and vegetables. To put it simply, eat from nature, not from the food processing plant and avoid processed foods and snacks that are high in sugar.

Focus on eating 2-3 smaller meals per day and aim for a snack every few hours in-between. In a sense, think of it as grazing on food throughout the day. Adjusting what you eat and when will help you keep your energy up during the day so you can feel better, think better, and be more motivated to stick to those resolutions. If you have questions or just want some help coming up with a plan, give us a call or stop in and see us today!

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