Here are the simple facts:
- 67% of our current population is either overweight or obese.
- 25% of our children are either overweight or obese
The sad fact is that these figures are on the rise. This is despite the amount of money that both the government and the current allopathic medical system is throwing into their paradigm of ‘health care’.
There has to be a better way, and even a different approach. If we continue on this pathway, parents will be outliving their own children.
Did you know that what your child does and learns today in terms of their lifestyle will effect their health in years to come? You, as parents, are their greatest teacher. Make sure that you teach them how to be healthy!
It has been said that it takes a community to raise a child. If you would like to learn more, learn about true health and how to raise healthy kids, give us a call on 9415 4606 and make an appointment with your chiropractor Chatswood that will enhance and change a life.
For the latest advancements in chiropractic care, keep connected with Family Chiropractic Chatswood.