christmas stress and your santa belly

Christmas Stress & Your Santa Belly

Dec 21, 2021

Christmas Stress & Your Santa Belly

Who there does not love Christmas food? Throughout the year, people have worked so hard with exercise and food choices to lose or to keep off the kilos and then Christmas arrive.  Is what you are placing into your mouth over the Christmas New year period adding to extra stress to your body?

On our last post in this three part series we discovered how there was a 4.2% increase in heart attacks during the Christmas New Year period.  All due to Christmas stress!

Christmas is a time for loved ones to come together, so we are wanting to make a dent on that statistic and give you some tips to stay healthy and strong.

Here are four tips for you surrounding the overindulgence of food and alcohol over the Christmas – New Year Period.
  1. Drinking alcohol can be highly pleasurable at this festive time…but be mindful of how it affects your mood and inhibitions though. Be wary of the effects of alcohol around family, driving, and around friends.
  2. Now is not the time to crash diet. Hold your head up, stand tall and smile. After all Christmas kilos don’t count, as long as you have an action plan on the other side of Christmas to be able to take off those kilos.
  3. Keep blood sugar stable by eating regularly. Avoid over-hunger and you will be less likely to over-eat on Christmas day.
  4. Try not to ban or label foods ‘forbidden’ this Christmas as this will leave you feeling deprived. You will then be more likely to binge or over-eat later as the backlash against restraint. Decide the foods you want to enjoy. Sit down, eat slowly, savour and taste every scrumptious mouthful. 

Christmas comes but once a year.  Enjoy it!  There is no need to go overboard.

Click here for more advice on how to improve your energy and lose weight this Christmas period with the right food choices.

In our next post in this three part series, we look at how Christmas can be one of the most highly tuned emotional periods of the year.   

Oh, by the way, there is a world of research out there on regular Chiropractor in Chatswood and reducing stress. Just like making sure you get your car tuned up prior to that long summer holiday drive to get you from A to B, pop in, say g’day and get adjusted and tuned up so as you can enjoy this celebratory time of year. 

After all, Chiropractic keeps you strong!

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